Category: <span>Philosophy</span>

A Call to Action

“Why is advocacy so important?”  “Why should I care about something that doesn’t directly affect me?” Advocacy ensures that people have their voices heard on issues that are important to them – that their views and needs are considered when decisions and policies are being made.  As a society, we …

Personal Philosophy

Philosophy can be best described as the attitudes that act as our guiding principles for behaviour.  There are a variety of aspects that mold our philosophy and although we don’t always acknowledge how we come to hold the values and beliefs that we do, everyone has a philosophy. My vision …

The Montessori Model

With it’s philosophy of using child-directed learning, Montessori preschools are growing in popularity among parents.  So what exactly is the Montessori approach to education? The History Behind Montessori In 1897, Italian physician and educator Maria Montessori began to develop the philosophy behind what we call Montessori today; attending courses in …