Reflective Feelings on ECE 136

Reflective Feelings on ECE 136

July 12, 2020

As our winter cohort has progressed through the ECE program over the last eighteen months, we have been introduced to many new ideas and methods of expressing our thoughts and learning outcomes.  After one class of ECE 136, I have a feeling that our boundaries are about to be expanded once again!

Technology is a field in which I don’t feel entirely comfortable.  The last class that I took that is related to computer learning was in grade 9.  I’m not going to do the math on how many years ago that was, but just for reference, the internet was still a good ten plus years away!  Having said that, if returning back to school has taught me anything, it’s that the brain is astonishing is what it can accomplish when tested.

The technology content in this class has come as a bit of a surprise, but I am looking forward to becoming familiar with it.  Luckily, I have teenaged children who I feel will become my personal tutors.  After years of  helping with homework, it’s my time to cash in on some favors!





  1. katynic2020

    Hi Heather,

    I appreciate the honesty and humour in your post!

    I have to admit that I too was a bit surprised in I am feeling a bit uncomfortable in my abilities to navigate through this technical learning. I am lost when it comes to the “jargon” in creating a webpage such as “themes”, “plugins” and widgets!

    I too am a bit surprised with the technology involved in this course, however I am willing to do what I can to the best of my ability and hope my brain “astonishes” me!

    Fingers crossed. 🙂

  2. open001

    Hello Heather,

    I am glad that I can now leave a comment on your website. I am not great at using technology either, but I am trying my best. That’s all I can do!

    It is awesome that you have your kids that can help if you are stuck. It is amazing how much our young generation know about computers and programs.

    I look forward to see how much I improve on using the website by the end of the course.

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